Saturday, September 8, 2018


Hey everyone....wanted to post right away again as we spent the day on the often seldom visited schoodic peninsula.   We were going along & enjoying the sights & fewer people....  taking pics.

I got really scared, thought my eyes were going really bad when I look in the view finder & see the pic cut in half, or it appeared to...  it was a cold front pushing the clouds in a perfect line...  it affected my pics for most of the morning.  Point one way on the shore & it was overcast, point the other & it was gorgeous blue!!!
Was really glad it wasn't my eyes...

We found more lighthouses, marinas & on the back roads some gorgeous homes...
The peninsula was also home to a research center that was a former naval station...  the Rockefeller Hall was the neatest bldg ever... 

The rocks at schoodic point were every color from white to black...gorgeous!!
Lots of pics on my camera!!!

Was 50 this morning & supposed to be in the low forties tonight...  have been watching the hurricane forcast... pray it doesn't get too bad in the Carolinas...

Enjoy the pics & love & hugs to all
Mike and Dee

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