Friday, September 21, 2018


Hey everyone....   we have been told to do the Canadian side of the falls, so the next day, with passports in hand we crossed the border with no problems at all...

The first thing I wanted to do was go up into the Skylon Tower....  I loved the ride up in the windowed car & you could see it all in one sweep...  that is impressive!!!
Got a lot of pics up there & the gal at the gift shop was a true gem!!   Gave us all the info on what to see & how to get there

We walked all along the riverway & lots of pics & lots of people...    so impressed with all the flowers & how pretty everything was...we definitely got our "steps" in...   horseshoe falls was really over the top...  fun to watch the tour boats go right up to each falls...

From there we drove the river road up to the Whirlpool overlook where the river makes a right turn.   The cable car goes right over it...  neat to see...

Also stopped at the Floral Clock...this was really pretty but spoiled by the power lines all around it...  huge huge power plants from the river...

Then we drove all the way to the tip where the river goes into lake Ontario...  we have now seen all 5 of the great lakes...  the town at the tip was Niagara on the Lake & we were both in love with the place...  so quaint & pretty ...  could live there but not in winter, lol...

On the way back we stopped at a roadside market & had a late late lunch...  the fresh  fruit & veg were incredible but we couldn't take across the border.  The food was so so good & they had a little wayside chapel

Was a really fun day & crossing the border on way back was easy...  had a really chatty agent & was praying for NC flood victims....

Needless to say we were tired that nite.
Enjoy the pics
Hugs and blessings,  Mike and Dee

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