Friday, September 21, 2018


Hey everyone... we had a pretty day to drive into Niagara falls  & set up at the KOA on grand island...

We drove to the Falls that first night & did Niagara at Nite....we did the American  side & just enjoyed the whole thing!!!  The falls were really impressive & we met a wonderful couple from Australia...  a lot of pic taking & different for others...  had to laugh at Mike,   he could have charged for all the pics he took for people!!   Every continent was there!!!

We grabbed a bite while we waited for the lights to go on & then walked back into the park....   now the light show was really  impressive  ....   changed colors & the noise & the plume of  spray,  all so neat...

Were grateful for the GPS to get us back to the rig, lol...

Enjoy the pics...

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