Saturday, September 29, 2018


Hey everyone...  prayers y'all are well...
We had a rest day at Bedford PA and waited out the rain...  but we had to go out and explore...  found Gravity Hill...  this is a slight hill out in the toolywads!!!   You put the truck in neutral & it goes up hill on its own!!!  Forward or backward & got up to 10 mph...   needless to say, Mike had a blast...  I was pretty skeptical til I saw it happen...  lots of laughs!!

We also explored 8 of the 14 covered bridges in the area...  we seen a lot of back country & pretty area...  everything 
In PA is saturated,   spongy wherever you walk...   notice how hi the creeks are under the bridges....   scary!!

We also found a round barn!  It was so cool & huge...  had a farmers market in it so got some goodies...

We had a wonderful campsite, so rested.
Enjoy the pics...
Hugs and blessings,   Mike and Dee

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