Friday, September 7, 2018


Hey everyone....   we have jam packed so much into the last 3 days, so here goes...
First off, it was taking care of business. 
Mike was concerned about the truck tires after the awful roads & a good thing he had them checked...needed a wheel bearing on the front passenger...  a really great shop where we are staying just out side the park...  
Our friends got here on wed so a lot of catch up again & they left for Tucson this morning....  a long way to go!!
We ran up to Cadillac mtn & caught the sunset....  I got a neat pic on my camera of Mike holding the sun...was fun!

We spent thurs driving the back roads of the park...  we found bass harbor light house,  which was really pretty...  there are buoys in the water that have chimes on them & it sounds so neat...   we like to find the marinas & pretty shorelines...

Mike had lobster for lunch & that he enjoyed...   we will both need diets!!!

Today we did the Loop Road in Acadia...
My bucket list was the sunrise on top of Cadillac mtn & we left the rig @ 4.30 am .. it was so worth it!!!   Wind was mild  (normally it howls up there) but it was cold!!!   The top of the mtn is barren rock & it was a party up there!!   The views are just over the top!  

Then we just meandered along the shore, and saw all the sights...  Mike really liked when a young buck came out on the road in front of us...sorry, that pic is on my camera...   the tide was too low when we got to thunder hole...but chatted with a lot of people there.  Jordan pond was really pretty...  by the time we got back to Cadillac mtn,  the park was packed,  but we were able to walk the trail all around the top...  views were so pretty

Everyone gets so tickled with how Purdie will just sit & pose...  she loves all the attention from the kids !

Needless to say will be an early night... we were at the park over 9 hrs but got to see & do so much...

My eyes have been stable,  not getting any worse...just so frustrating not being able to read signs, etc.    Just feel so blessed that I can see all of this...

Note to Ruth V.  This is a birding paradise,  you need to plan this trip!!!!

We have 3 more days here & looking forward to seeing more...

Prayers that everyone is doing well ...
Pray Florence doesn't hit too bad...
Love & blessings....Mike and Dee

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