Saturday, September 29, 2018

National Soldiers Cemetery

Little Round Top

Virginia's Robert E Lee

National Peace Eternal Flame

The Minnesota monument

The North Carolina monument

The Visitor Center


Hey everyone....  sure pray everyone is doing well...  we have finally dried out...

We are at Gettysburg & have enjoyed the  park immensely...  we cannot say enough about the visitor center alone.   Spent 4 hours with the cyclorama,  museum & at the bookstore prepping for the auto tour.

We had a gorgeous day & started the tour early in the morning...  this park has the most monuments  anywhere,  over 1000.
After learning so much at the V.C. it all made more sense...   every student in the USA should come here & see what can happen in this country if we are divided!!!

So impressed with the respect shown by the park service for both sides...  so clean and the whole town is filled with history!!!

Needless to say I made my step quota for the day as I ran all over taking over 500 pics...  we had the audio tape going & just followed along...   talked with guides & they are so knowledgeable...

We could not finish it all in one day...  so exhausted & did General Puckett buffet for dinner,  we earned it,  lol...

This morning we did the National Cemetery & it was serene in the cool of the morning.  The rest of the day we hit all the parts of the tour we had missed,   it is spread out around the whole town...

Our campground gave us tickets for several museums in town,  so did that in the aftn..   we are both beat tonight...

Tomorrow we head south...  see how far we go...  have called & made an eye appt so hopefully get some answers...

Prayers all are well & enjoy the pics...  all of mine are on the camera...  can't wait to see them on the computer...

Hugs & blessings,  Mike and Dee

PA round barn

Gravity Hill

PA covered bridge

PA covered bridge

PA covered bridge


Hey everyone...  prayers y'all are well...
We had a rest day at Bedford PA and waited out the rain...  but we had to go out and explore...  found Gravity Hill...  this is a slight hill out in the toolywads!!!   You put the truck in neutral & it goes up hill on its own!!!  Forward or backward & got up to 10 mph...   needless to say, Mike had a blast...  I was pretty skeptical til I saw it happen...  lots of laughs!!

We also explored 8 of the 14 covered bridges in the area...  we seen a lot of back country & pretty area...  everything 
In PA is saturated,   spongy wherever you walk...   notice how hi the creeks are under the bridges....   scary!!

We also found a round barn!  It was so cool & huge...  had a farmers market in it so got some goodies...

We had a wonderful campsite, so rested.
Enjoy the pics...
Hugs and blessings,   Mike and Dee

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The crater

The crater model

Tower of Voices

Flight path overlook

Boulder at end of flight path

Entrance via the flight path


Hey everyone...  well, we have been dodging rain for days & didn't  know if we were going to see this,  but had a  break & got to see some of it...

If you dont have goose bumps after seeing this wonderful memorial,  I'd be very surprised...  this has been so wonderfully done...  our pics don't do it justice due to weather & so many people.

The visitor center has great displays & the staff had so much info.  I did not realize the plane went into the ground upside down & they found the black box 25 feet below ground level...  the rock boulder at the end of the flight path is where the nose went in....  saddest thing ever... the new tower of voices will have 40 chimes (one for each victim) & is gorgeous...

We are in Bedford, PA for a couple days to rest & then on to Gettysburg...

Prayers all are well...
Hugs and blessings,  Mike and Dee

Us with Brad & Michelle

Lake at OH campground

Blue heron at Beaver marsh

Everett covered bridge

Awesome mushrooms

Bridal veil falls

Us at Brandywine falls

Brandywine Falls

Blue Hen Falls


Hey everyone....  how are y'all doing? Good we hope...   we are dodging the rain!

We travelled from NY thru PA & into Ohio.
The goal was Cuyahoga Nat'l Park...  this is a drive thru park like the Smokies.  We really enjoyed our day exploring...

The park was very busy with the tow.path from the Erie canal for hiking & biking... 
We found all the falls,  the covered bridge, the steam railroad which drew hundreds of people!!  You would never know that 3 interstates run thru it & metro areas!

The hi-lite of Ohio was meeting up with friends from FL that we had not seen in years...  such a fun evening!!

Enjoy the pics...
Hugs to all...

Friday, September 21, 2018

Dee at NY sign

Jetboat at the Whirlpool

Mike at cave of the winds

American falls from below

Top of American falls

Rainbow at American falls

Horseshoe falls

Purdie at horseshoe falls


Hey everyone....   the weather was holding for us so the next day we did the American side of the falls during the day.

We went onto Goat island  & really enjoyed going out to 3 sisters island from there & then onto Luna island...

Terrapin Point was really pretty as you are right next to horseshoe falls...  we had Purdie with us & she gets so much guy was cute...

Loved getting all the pics,  even the rainbow over the American falls...

Mike went down the Cave of the Winds  & got some really cool pics from below...  he definitely got  WET !!!   Purdie & I stayed up top & could see him below us...

After seeing everything there, we drove up the US side of the river & saw the Whirlpool from this side...   the jet boats were having fun in the Rapids..

Were glad to get back to the rig & a great pizza to top off the day...

We are resting today & will move on to Ohio tomorrow. .  A storm coming thru tonite ...  too windy to be on the road...

Hope everyone is doing well...  glad to hear from y'all....  enjoy the pics!
Hugs and blessings,  Mike and Dee

The Whirlpool

Horseshoe falls from tower

Dee at Walkers wayside chapel

Dee at Floral Clock

Us at American falls

Horseshoe falls from below

American Falls from tower


Hey everyone....   we have been told to do the Canadian side of the falls, so the next day, with passports in hand we crossed the border with no problems at all...

The first thing I wanted to do was go up into the Skylon Tower....  I loved the ride up in the windowed car & you could see it all in one sweep...  that is impressive!!!
Got a lot of pics up there & the gal at the gift shop was a true gem!!   Gave us all the info on what to see & how to get there

We walked all along the riverway & lots of pics & lots of people...    so impressed with all the flowers & how pretty everything was...we definitely got our "steps" in...   horseshoe falls was really over the top...  fun to watch the tour boats go right up to each falls...

From there we drove the river road up to the Whirlpool overlook where the river makes a right turn.   The cable car goes right over it...  neat to see...

Also stopped at the Floral Clock...this was really pretty but spoiled by the power lines all around it...  huge huge power plants from the river...

Then we drove all the way to the tip where the river goes into lake Ontario...  we have now seen all 5 of the great lakes...  the town at the tip was Niagara on the Lake & we were both in love with the place...  so quaint & pretty ...  could live there but not in winter, lol...

On the way back we stopped at a roadside market & had a late late lunch...  the fresh  fruit & veg were incredible but we couldn't take across the border.  The food was so so good & they had a little wayside chapel

Was a really fun day & crossing the border on way back was easy...  had a really chatty agent & was praying for NC flood victims....

Needless to say we were tired that nite.
Enjoy the pics
Hugs and blessings,  Mike and Dee

Us at Niagara at nite

Red, white & blue colors

Us at Niagara Falls

Falls at sunset


Hey everyone... we had a pretty day to drive into Niagara falls  & set up at the KOA on grand island...

We drove to the Falls that first night & did Niagara at Nite....we did the American  side & just enjoyed the whole thing!!!  The falls were really impressive & we met a wonderful couple from Australia...  a lot of pic taking & different for others...  had to laugh at Mike,   he could have charged for all the pics he took for people!!   Every continent was there!!!

We grabbed a bite while we waited for the lights to go on & then walked back into the park....   now the light show was really  impressive  ....   changed colors & the noise & the plume of  spray,  all so neat...

Were grateful for the GPS to get us back to the rig, lol...

Enjoy the pics...

Sunset before Florence!!!

Us at Taughanock falls

Purdie at Taughanock falls


Hey everyone....   we had our extra day in the Finger Lakes area & found this falls...
The owners of the campground were really good with recommendations!!
Was a fun mile & half hike....

After that we drove thru the lakes & saw a lot of wineries...I mean this would rival Napa Valley...all so gorgeous!  Think I will have to bring home some NY wine, lol...

Also didn't  expect the Amish community.
Those horse & buggies really move along.
Pics are on my camera,  sorry!

The sunset before Florence moved thru that night was pretty...  only had rain...

We headed out to Niagara falls in the am.
Enjoy the pics

Hugs & blessings,    Mike and Dee