Friday, October 31, 2014


Hey there . . . .  How is everyone?   Happy Halloween!!  There is a party
at the campground tonight, so should be fun!!  Packing a costume at Easter
when we left didn't happen, so its . . . as is,   ha ha!!

We had a really fun week in Tucson with our friends, Mike & Susan.  And
can't forget their Lucy (beagle bandito).  At our campground there, was a
pom named Sassy next door, see if you can tell the difference!!

We went to Saguaro Nat'l Park & Mike just likes these cactus.  Lots of pics
and saw a gila monster.  My pics were of those three taking pics of this
ugly thing.  So funny!! 

We also went up to Mt. Lemmon.  Now that was pretty!!  The higher we got
the more it reminded me of home.  Got to take pics of fall colors & the
views were really pretty!!!  So much to see.

One day we went over to the San Xavier Sol Bac Mission.  The white dove
of the mtns.  Ever so pretty & the tour was very informative.  So much
history.  Back to the 1700.  Needless to say, lots of pics.

We got to rest too,  which Mike needed.  The weather has been record
breaking heat here.  Start to cool more at night tho.

We are in Benson, AZ now & will see Mike's cousin Suzanne.  Hope to
go to Tombstone & see the sights.    Then on to Carlsbad Caverns.   We
had some sad news from our home church, so will be heading home after
that.  See how the weather & the rig does as to when we make it.

Hi to everyone.  Love & Prayers,        Mike & Dee:)

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