Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Hey everyone!!   How are you all doing?  Really good we hope.  All
as glad as we are that the election is over???   Yeah . . .

We had a wonderful time w/ cousin Suzanne & a super fun time in
Tombstone!!  Dee got pulled from the crowd for a shoot-out skit.  What
a hoot!!  At least I got the bad guy, ha ha.  Purdie got called a "fur-bie"
and was a hit w/ the crowd.   They really have the tourist thing down to
an art, but Mike loved it all.  Boot Hill & the Courthouse were all inter-
esting.  We had a really pretty day too.   Lots of pics!!

We headed to Carlsbad and went thru El Paso.  Got close to the border
and glad we did no stopping!!  Pretty country even tho so very barren.

We stopped at Guadalupe Nat'l Park & the mountains are really pretty.
Now Carlsbad Caverns was another of those "over the top" fun times.
Took lots of pics, the formations were breathtaking & the park does a
super job on letting you see so much!!! 

We head for Texas tomorrow, so will be few days on the road.  Pray
the weather holds for us.   Enjoying the cooler weather a lot. . . .

Prayers that all is well w/ everyone.   We love to hear from Ya'll!!
Love & Blessings,    Mike & Dee:)

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