Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Hey everyone; 

I would like to thank everyone for the prayers for my elbow.
The surgery went well, taking over two hours, 30+ stitches,
two pins & 2 figure 8 wires.  Needless to say it is sore!!  The
stitches come out next Wed, so shall see how it goes.  Can
do a lot left handed from the years in floral design, so am not
totally helpless.  Pray for Mike having to do so much extra.

We got the rig emptied with Jacki's help & drove it to the
dealer for all the maintenance repairs after the trip.  I am go-
ing to miss the rig.

Has been wonderful to see everyone again.  Will enjoy
spending time with family & friends as I am not allowed
to do much.  Am not going to promise Christmas cards this
year, see how I do.  Am so thankful I left my tree up from
last year, ha ha.

Want to thank everyone for following the blog as we
journeyed over 14,000 miles, plus another 10,000 miles in
my truck.  We saw a lot of amazing sights, met a lot of
wonderful people & will  enjoy it over & over through my
pictures. (which exceeded 15,000)   Pray I can share them
with you sometime.

Love & blessings always,  Mike & Dee

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