Thursday, November 13, 2014


Hey there!!!   How is everyone doing?  Everyone staying warm??
What a bummer w/ this cold front.  We stayed in Dallas longer than
planned as the winds were awful!!  This rig don't do so good in the
high winds!!   Luckily we were at a really nice campground just
east of Dallas.  Time to rest and also met really nice people,  Ben
& Tammy Davis who were just starting full-time.  They will have
a blast.  Every full-timer we talked to wouldn't do anything else!!

While there we took a day & went to the Geo Bush Presidential
Library.  Never been to one, so we really enjoyed it.  You can see
from the pic that the Oval office desk was pretty cool!!  Good
thing I wasn't talking to Obama, ha ha ha!!!

We have made it to Natchez, MS & will wait out the cold snap
here.  We are right on the Mississippi River.  Can watch the barges
go down river.  A nice campground & hope to do some  "good-
eatin".  I love gumbo!!!

Hard to believe we only have a week or so left before we back in
Franklin.  Will take a bit to get the house open & things unpacked.
Will do another post when we get there

We pray everyone is doing well & we are always glad to hear from
you.  Stay warm & keep in touch!!!

Love & blessings,    Mike & Dee:)

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