Thursday, October 23, 2014


Hey everyone!!!   How are you all doing?  Is it cooling off by you?  We are still
in the heat!! Hitting 95* tomorrow.  We have loved hearing from everyone this
week.  Kids are glad we are heading east!!!

We had a wonderful week w/ Mike's cousin Gwen & her Bill.  They took us on a
tour around Phoenix & that is a real pretty city.  Clean. Lots to do & see.

The highlite for me was going to the air museum & seeing a B-17.  My Dad was
a tail gunner on a B17 in WW2 & was a pow in Switzerland when they crashed.
Was so awesome to see the plane & see where Dad was.  So many pictures!!!

We spent another day on the Apache Trail.  Mike likes his western movies &
books, so this was neat for him.  So many different cacti, awesome!  But so hot!

We spent a whole day w/ Gwen & Bill up in Sedona!!  Over the top is the only
way to describe it.  Their son Jon knew where to go, so got to see all the good
sights, including the Vortex thing.  Pictures are phenomenal & Bill was a real
trooper w/ 3 people in the car taking pictures non-stop.  Did some hiking & no
time for shopping, so save that for next time, ha ha!!   Also saw the Chapel of
the Holy Cross.  No adjectives do it justice!!!

We drove to Tucson today & that was a nightmare.  An accident on I-10 & a
2 hour trip took 6 hours!  In the heat, so tonight we are really tired.  Will spend
time here w/ our friends, Mike & Susan that we did the whole Alaska trip with.
Lots to see here too.  Need to rest up here too!!

Prayers that all is well w/ everyone.  Love to hear from you all.   Take care.
Love & Blessings,    Mike & Dee:)

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