Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Hey everyone!!  How are you all doing?  Won't be long & it will be
Halloween, time is flying!!!     We are heading east, so coming down
the home stretch!!!

We had a wonderful time in Redlands, CA with the Rosaasen's. 
Tom was Mike's boyhood friend & we have kept in touch w/ him &
his wife Barbara over the years.   We were able to spend time with
them at their home, plus we were able to see his brothers, Harry,
Eddie (wife Judy) & Kenny.  Mike got to talk w/ Jerry too.  This
was a big highlite of the trip for Mike.  Been too many years since
he had seen them all.

We took in some sights in Redlands also, but when we left we did
stop at Joshua Tree Nat'l Park.  Again, it was just so much more
than I expected!  Lots of pictures!!

We are handling the heat pretty well.  It cools off nice overnite, so
can get some relief. 

We are at Quartzite, AZ, heading toward Phoenix.  Mike has not
seen his cousin Gwen (her husband Bill) in over 40 yrs, so are really
looking forward to spending time w/ them.  The desert has a beauty
that can grow on you.  

Prayers that all is well w/ everyone.  We are doing well, Purdie too,
and will  touch base when we leave Phoenix.    Take care all,

Love & Blessings,    Mike & Dee:)

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