Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Hey everyone!!   How are you all doing?   We are trying to cool off!!
Days get really warm here in Bakersfield, but nights cool off nice.  We
have had a great visit w/ our friends, Tim & Julie Watts whom we met
in Mesa Verde N.P.   We just had lunch w/ them at a basque Spanish
restaurant.  Talk about yum!  They also took us for a ride
in the area,  so much agriculture & so so so  dry!   Lots & lots of oil
wells too.  Surprised us.

We went up to Tehachapi one day & found us another bakery!! ha ha.
German this time & over the top sticky buns.  e'clairs so big you  got
sick finishing it.  Like the heavy breads for dipping.  They are famous
there for the railroad Loop.  We were lucky to see one come thru long
enough to "catch" its tail.  Fun to see!!   Also got great pics of a black
tail deer  - 8 pt buck.  Cool!!

We were able to get the rig repaired OK.  Mike talk to the mechanic &
able to fix it himself.  So thankful he is so handy, ha ha !!
We got up at 2 am to see the "blood" moon eclipse!  Cool to see.

So back on the road in am, heading to Redlands, CA.  Going to see
Mike's childhood friends for a few days!!  Travel when it is cooler.
Prayers that all is well for you.

Love & blessings,     Mike & Dee:)

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