Friday, October 31, 2014


Hey there . . . .  How is everyone?   Happy Halloween!!  There is a party
at the campground tonight, so should be fun!!  Packing a costume at Easter
when we left didn't happen, so its . . . as is,   ha ha!!

We had a really fun week in Tucson with our friends, Mike & Susan.  And
can't forget their Lucy (beagle bandito).  At our campground there, was a
pom named Sassy next door, see if you can tell the difference!!

We went to Saguaro Nat'l Park & Mike just likes these cactus.  Lots of pics
and saw a gila monster.  My pics were of those three taking pics of this
ugly thing.  So funny!! 

We also went up to Mt. Lemmon.  Now that was pretty!!  The higher we got
the more it reminded me of home.  Got to take pics of fall colors & the
views were really pretty!!!  So much to see.

One day we went over to the San Xavier Sol Bac Mission.  The white dove
of the mtns.  Ever so pretty & the tour was very informative.  So much
history.  Back to the 1700.  Needless to say, lots of pics.

We got to rest too,  which Mike needed.  The weather has been record
breaking heat here.  Start to cool more at night tho.

We are in Benson, AZ now & will see Mike's cousin Suzanne.  Hope to
go to Tombstone & see the sights.    Then on to Carlsbad Caverns.   We
had some sad news from our home church, so will be heading home after
that.  See how the weather & the rig does as to when we make it.

Hi to everyone.  Love & Prayers,        Mike & Dee:)

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Hey everyone!!!   How are you all doing?  Is it cooling off by you?  We are still
in the heat!! Hitting 95* tomorrow.  We have loved hearing from everyone this
week.  Kids are glad we are heading east!!!

We had a wonderful week w/ Mike's cousin Gwen & her Bill.  They took us on a
tour around Phoenix & that is a real pretty city.  Clean. Lots to do & see.

The highlite for me was going to the air museum & seeing a B-17.  My Dad was
a tail gunner on a B17 in WW2 & was a pow in Switzerland when they crashed.
Was so awesome to see the plane & see where Dad was.  So many pictures!!!

We spent another day on the Apache Trail.  Mike likes his western movies &
books, so this was neat for him.  So many different cacti, awesome!  But so hot!

We spent a whole day w/ Gwen & Bill up in Sedona!!  Over the top is the only
way to describe it.  Their son Jon knew where to go, so got to see all the good
sights, including the Vortex thing.  Pictures are phenomenal & Bill was a real
trooper w/ 3 people in the car taking pictures non-stop.  Did some hiking & no
time for shopping, so save that for next time, ha ha!!   Also saw the Chapel of
the Holy Cross.  No adjectives do it justice!!!

We drove to Tucson today & that was a nightmare.  An accident on I-10 & a
2 hour trip took 6 hours!  In the heat, so tonight we are really tired.  Will spend
time here w/ our friends, Mike & Susan that we did the whole Alaska trip with.
Lots to see here too.  Need to rest up here too!!

Prayers that all is well w/ everyone.  Love to hear from you all.   Take care.
Love & Blessings,    Mike & Dee:)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Hey everyone!!  How are you all doing?  Won't be long & it will be
Halloween, time is flying!!!     We are heading east, so coming down
the home stretch!!!

We had a wonderful time in Redlands, CA with the Rosaasen's. 
Tom was Mike's boyhood friend & we have kept in touch w/ him &
his wife Barbara over the years.   We were able to spend time with
them at their home, plus we were able to see his brothers, Harry,
Eddie (wife Judy) & Kenny.  Mike got to talk w/ Jerry too.  This
was a big highlite of the trip for Mike.  Been too many years since
he had seen them all.

We took in some sights in Redlands also, but when we left we did
stop at Joshua Tree Nat'l Park.  Again, it was just so much more
than I expected!  Lots of pictures!!

We are handling the heat pretty well.  It cools off nice overnite, so
can get some relief. 

We are at Quartzite, AZ, heading toward Phoenix.  Mike has not
seen his cousin Gwen (her husband Bill) in over 40 yrs, so are really
looking forward to spending time w/ them.  The desert has a beauty
that can grow on you.  

Prayers that all is well w/ everyone.  We are doing well, Purdie too,
and will  touch base when we leave Phoenix.    Take care all,

Love & Blessings,    Mike & Dee:)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Hey everyone!!   How are you all doing?   We are trying to cool off!!
Days get really warm here in Bakersfield, but nights cool off nice.  We
have had a great visit w/ our friends, Tim & Julie Watts whom we met
in Mesa Verde N.P.   We just had lunch w/ them at a basque Spanish
restaurant.  Talk about yum!  They also took us for a ride
in the area,  so much agriculture & so so so  dry!   Lots & lots of oil
wells too.  Surprised us.

We went up to Tehachapi one day & found us another bakery!! ha ha.
German this time & over the top sticky buns.  e'clairs so big you  got
sick finishing it.  Like the heavy breads for dipping.  They are famous
there for the railroad Loop.  We were lucky to see one come thru long
enough to "catch" its tail.  Fun to see!!   Also got great pics of a black
tail deer  - 8 pt buck.  Cool!!

We were able to get the rig repaired OK.  Mike talk to the mechanic &
able to fix it himself.  So thankful he is so handy, ha ha !!
We got up at 2 am to see the "blood" moon eclipse!  Cool to see.

So back on the road in am, heading to Redlands, CA.  Going to see
Mike's childhood friends for a few days!!  Travel when it is cooler.
Prayers that all is well for you.

Love & blessings,     Mike & Dee:)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Hey everyone!   How are you all doing?  All's well we pray.  Sure
is starting to feel fall isn't it.   How is the color in Carolina???

We have had a busy week.  We moved over to Fresno, CA & we
found Peace Lutheran Church for sunday services.  Very nice.
After church we went to Forestiere Underground Gardens & that
was really neat.  Italian fella built whole acres of catacombs under
Fresno to beat the heat & grew citrus trees.  Ingenuity !!!

We had a great day at Yosemite!  Up to Glacier Point & the views
were awesome!!  The drought has really hurt the Park & all the
waterfalls were dry except for Bridal Veil.  At least saw some
water.  The Valley's El Capitan & Half Dome were awesome to see.
A little adventure w/ a park ranger (funny) really capped the day!!

Then we spent a day at King's Canyon / Sequoia N.P.  So glad we
had a pretty, cool day.  The trees are just over the top gorgeous!!
Needless to say I took a lot of pics!  Some construction there so
not time to see everything, but was a really good day.   The high
light of the day was seeing a black bear w/ her cub!  So cute.
The General Sherman Tree & Grant Tree were great hikes!!

We are going to be dodging the heat in So. Calif. for the next few
days.  Heading to Bakersfield & Redlands.  Pray it cools off some.
Are having a rest day (laundry, etc).  Purdie likes her rest days too.

Pray all is well & love to hear from everyone!!   Take care,
Love & Blessings,    Mike & Dee:)