Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Hey there!   How is everyone?  Really good we hope!!   Well, the Lord was
really good and I was able to make the trip to Minnesota without any problems.
Met my brother Darrell & his wife Cindy (Wyoming) at the airport & we went
directly to Renville for the viewing Fri nite.  Is always so nice to see all the
family even tho we are there for such a sad occasion.  Dorothy is with the
Lord & so is a celebration, even tho we miss her terribly. 

Sat for the service my brother Harold was able to bring Mom to the service &
she looks so good.  So glad I got to see her again this summer.    We left MN
on Mon am early & I landed in Portland where Mike could pick me up as the
campground was only 15 min away.  He & Purdie did good while I was gone!
I even got a pic of the motorhome from the air!

Coming back I was upgraded to a window seat & able to take pics of Mt.
Rainier from the air, also Mt Adams.  Was a clear day & was really neat !!  I
just kept clicking away, imagine that, ha ha!

Tue morning we headed south & we are between Grants Pass & Medford.  We
plan to take in the Redwoods & also Crater Lake area.   I was really tired so
today was a catch-up day.

We so look forward to hearing from everyone & pray that all is well w/ you.
Love & Blessings,     Mike & Dee:)

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