Thursday, August 28, 2014


Hey there!   How is everyone?  Prayers that all is well.  We have been seeing
the sights in No. Oregon & like Utah, the whole area should be a Nat'l Park.

We spent a day on the coast & able to see the Pacific for the first time!  Ever
so pretty.  Walked the beach & they were having a kite festival so the photos
are fun.  Waterfalls, caves, huge rocks, all so neat.  We spotted a gray whale
at one of the overlooks & fun to see him "blow". 

We have really enjoyed the Columbia River Gorge & all the history & beauty.
Multnomah Falls was a high light but there were a lot of falls along the
historic route.  We spent another day up at Mt Hood.  I can't believe we have
had such gorgeous weather & have seen all the "tops".  Just keep snapping !!

We are at a Campground just up the road from the Portland Airport.  My aunt
Dorothy has passed & I fly out Fri am to Mpls for the funeral on Sat.  Mike is
staying w/ the rig & Purdie.  Really really a tough one for me, but am so
thankful we were near an airport & I could go back.  One of those "need-tos".

We plan to head to Grant's Pass, OR when I get back.  Giving the Napa area
a chance to settle down before we head that way on Sept 12.  Is still a go as
most of the area is ok.  Pray the aftershocks are not too bad & so thankful
that no one was killed.

We have been so blessed on this trip, big things & so so many little things.
The Lord is so good !!  The church here in Portland was really a blessing too

Will post when I get back.  Pray for the family as we all travel.  Will get to
see my Mom too.

Love & Blessings,      Mike & Dee:)

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