Monday, September 8, 2014


Hey there,    How is everyone?  Pray all is well w/ you & yours.  Hard to believe
we are going into fall.  See the leaf change here already.  Hot days,  cool nights!!

We had a wonderful day up to Crater Lake Nat'l Park.  What a sight to see.  Never
seen such blue water.  Was a cool morning, but was so much fun.  Not able to go
all way around due to construction part way.  We took in the Hwy 138 waterfalls
& so seeing Toketee Falls was a highlite.  Did a lot of hiking & seen some pretty
falls.  You know how I like my waterfalls.   Good exercise & cooler than the valley.

On the way back we took in the Rogue River gorge.  Now that is something to see.
I've never seen such a chasm & also a natural bridge where the water goes under
the rocks & comes out down the river.  So so pretty!!          

Another day we drove down to the Redwood Nat'l Park.  What a sight that is too.
We went on Howland Hill Rd (gravel thru a natural stand) and hiked thru Stout
Grove.  Cannot believe how big the trees are & so so tall.  Really enjoyed that.
Drove thru a redwood with the truck, pics are on the other camera.  We also got
to find an overlook & watch for the gray whales.  The fog moved in so hard to
spot.   Mike seen the one, but also the seals frolicking in the waves.  Pray the pix
turn out.  Very cool at the beach, but very hot inland, like 40* difference.

We found another nice church just down the road from the campground, so really
enjoy that.  A young pastor w/ the "knows it".  Had to check out a winery that was
just up the road.  So many in the valley.  Neat historic towns too.

Today has been a rest day.   The smoke from the No. Calif. fires at Happy Camp
has been bad the last couple days.  Long way away, but the dry air & wind carries
it this way.  Don't know how people who live here deal with the smoke???

We leave in the morning for California.  Are seeing Mike's cousin Don Kuiken
and then meeting friends in the San Francisco area for the Napa valley.  Praying
that the earthquake issue is under control.

Love hearing from you & nice to keep in touch.
Love & Blessings,    Mike & Dee:)   

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