Thursday, September 25, 2014

BIG SUR !!!!

Hey everyone . . . .    How are you all doing?  Getting into fall?   We see it
here in California, even tho is so dry.  We had a shower this morn'g.  First
since Washington.  Pray it helped the fire situation.

We have enjoyed the campground here.  Sunday they had church services
here & that was good.  Nice people.  Cooler here than we had the week be
fore.  So all's good!!!!

We have been to the pacific & really enjoyed that.  Big Sur was over the
top!  You can't believe the pics.  Just keep snapping.   Went along the beach
in Monterrey too & saw Cannery Row &  all the exquisite homes!.  Very
high $$$$.   Have to tell the guys we went thru Pebble Beach Golf Course
in Carmel too.  No water shortage there!!!   This was along the 17 Mile
Drive they call it.  Really really pretty.    Mike enjoyed all the animals.  The
seals are barking & fun to watch.   Pics will tell the story!!

We also went down to Pinnacles Nat'l Park.  A new one & the landscape is
very stark.  Was an enjoyable day.  Purdie likes to go with us & she is such
a good traveler.  Hard to believe we are on the San Andreas fault line.

We have had a couple of rest days too.  Really needed those & catch up with
maintenance on the rig.  The area is really heavy on agriculture too.

We have taken in two more of the California Missions.  We saw the one in
San Francisco (Mission Dolores),  Here we saw the San Juan Bautista one
which was awesome & then the Carmel Mission.  The story on these is a
wonderful  thing.  All so pretty!

We are heading to Yosemite & Sequoia next.  Pray it is not too hot  again.
We pray that all is well with everyone & love to hear from you!!!
Love & blessings,
Mike & Dee:)

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