Sunday, May 9, 2021


Hey everyone....  Well, we had another full day!!  It started early with up for the sunrise...  So so pretty with moonrise first...  Pics taken from room patio, bundled up with cup of coffee....

Then headed to Forrest Gump hill in Monument Valley...  If you seen the movie you recognize the place..    Pro photographer from Turkey took our pic..
Was a blast...

From there to the Moki Dugway...  What a rush... Hairpin gravel road up a butte, it overlooked the Valley of the Gods....  Was
Such a fun ride....  Lots of pics!!

Next we went to the Natural Bridge Nat'l
Monument...  So pleasant out & would not even know they were there...  Saw three bridges & Purdie did great...  She loves the attention she gets...

Are heading to Canyonlands & then to Moab tomorrow....  We are so grateful for all that we have seen & love God's creation....

Prayers all are & hugs,
Mike & Dee

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