Sunday, May 30, 2021


Hey everyone...   Are you having a good weekend?  Hope so...

We started early again & swung back into Wyoming to see Devils Tower...  What a sight!!   It is Huge!!  Can see it for miles..
Was a great stop & lots of pics...  Really liked the circle of sacred smoke site...

We then headed to the Black Hills & a pretty drive thru the forest...  Got onto the Needles Hwy thru Custer State park... Now there's a road!!!   Was packed with the holiday,  but we went thru the eye of the needles tunnel 3 times as Mike was using the dash cam...  See what he got....  Was a blast & was two other tunnels also...

Then did Wind Cave NP...  The cave tours were booked solid, but enjoyed the open prairie with buffalo everywhere & also the prairie dogs, still think they are cuties...

Enjoyed a wonderful dinner at an outdoor patio restaurant next to our hotel, so will sleep good tonite....

Prayers you are all doing good....
Love & hugs,   Mike & Dee

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