Saturday, May 29, 2021


Hey everyone....  Y'all doing ok?  Plans for the weekend...  Remember our fallen...

We get an early start this am & at the NP by 8.30...better to see the animals!!!  We had a blast with the prairie dog towns....
You are not supposed to feed them, but they beg & are the cutest things ever...I can hear Jordan already asking why we didn't bring her one, lol....  Oh, the pics...

The buffalo were everywhere, shedding the winter coat...  Are huge!!!  Mike missed the shot of one doing "the roll"...  Neat to see.

Wild horses in middle of the road too!  A large herd of them,  so pretty...

The Park itself was so gorgeous,  colors like the Painted Desert...  Weird formations

Our hotel is in Belle Fourche, SD & this is designated the center of the US...  Drove out to the actual marker & it is in the middle of nowhere!!!  Big deal for here..

Prayers all are doing well,  we good
Love & hugs,   Mike & Dee

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