Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Hey everyone....   Has it warmed up there?  We are warming up a lot,  cool nites tho...
We were up at midnite & out to Arches NP
For the the Nite Sky...  Mike up & spent time at Turret Arch & played with my camera on manuel, so will see what he got when home...  The stars were amazing!!!

After a good nap & a late brunch, we gased up & headed to the La Sal Mtn Loop Rd outside Moab that we hadn't gone on.
We climbed over 4500' & the views were amazing...  A really fun ride, dropped 20 degrees...   Then an early nite...

Prayers everyone is doing well...  Utah not a mandatory mask state, so easier...  Gas prices are climbing, how about where you are??   Glad pipeline up again...

Love & hugs....  Mike & Dee

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