Monday, May 17, 2021


Hey everyone....   Prayers all are well...
We did some exploring today...  The VC had such good info...   We started with checking out the pueblo!

Then we drove out to Coral Sand Dunes S.P.   Very pretty, vast dunes that people were having a blast on...  Dune buggies have a really fun time...  Sand very fine!!

Then we headed to the Belly of the Dragon...   What a hoot...  Climb into the opening which is deep under the hwy...
Walk thru the rocky passage & sunshine on other end...  Was cool & chatted with a lot of people doing it...  Mike carried Purdie thru the dark center...

In the afternoon we took the scenic Johnson Canyon road...  They list all the things to look for & the hi-lite for Mike was the movie site of Gunsmoke...  Sad that it was so dilapidated, been 45 years tho...

We hope to do the north rim of GC Tue....
Prayers y'all are doing well...
Love & hugs.....   Mike & Dee

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