Friday, September 11, 2015

NC sunset - we're home!


Greetings everyone!!  Prayers that all is good with ya'll & staying cool....
We arrived back in NC to cooler temps & a touch of fall showing!!

We had a wonderful visit with Leon & Patsy.  The BBQ was a whole lot
of fun.  The kids all had a blast on the 35' x 18' hi waterslide!  What a
hoot!  Was so warm, even the adults were ready to take a dip, ha ha.

The food was exceptional . . .  4 lamb shanks,  4 huge boston butts &
16 whole chickens,  plus sausages & chicken livers.  Home-made dip
& cooked for hours!   The taste test part was the best!!!   The piece de
resistance was the home-made ice cream!!  Vanilla, peach, pineapple
& banana.  The potluck  extras were like being at a Lutheran gathering!!

We had absolutely no problems with the rig on the whole trip, which
were so thankful for . . Gas prices coming back were the best.  Down
to $1.86 in Tennessee.  Definitely under budget, ha ha.

Since we have been back & unloaded,  have been on the phone & try
ing to straighten out "the mess".  Got a new D/L & bank account set
up.  So many fraud alerts to take care of & pray we can avoid anything
worse.  Warn everyone to have backup copies of all your info!!!

Mike has been busy outside with yard work & you don't want to know
how many loads of laundry I had to clean out the rig.  

Thanks for all the prayers for our safe travel, they really matter!!  Was
so great to see so many of the family and dear friends, and not have to
rush rush.   Saw many great sights up & back, so was a great trip!!!
I only took 5000 pics, approx.  Will get to them when caught up . . .

Love & Blessings!!!      Mike & Dee:)

Friday, September 4, 2015


Greetings everyone!!!   Sure hope ya'll are staying cool, cause we are hot,
hot, hot!!!  

I'm going to start with our day at the St. Louis Arch.  We got tickets for
early in the morn & the ride up was "over the top".  The views were awesome
and we enjoyed the Old Capitol & Cathedral.  Lots of pics & a great time!!

The bad stuff happened while we were up there . . . Someone broke into our
truck & stole my purse & Mike's wallet & his camera case.   I lost my D/L &
all the paraphernalia you accumulate in a purse,  the blessing was we had our
credit cards & cash & cameras on us!!   The police met us & we were told
that they look for out of state tags & they didn't break the lock, so no alarm
went off.   They were pros.    Needless to say, it has been a nightmare trying
to get our insurance cards, soc sec cards, etc squared away.

The other bad news is we have to come home early as I can't open a new
checking account without being at the bank (I had two check blanks in my
wallet).  I'm so thankful that I have a friend at the bank who walked us thru
& got everything froze.   They got $75.00 on a card I had as a back-up!! 

From there we went to Land Between the Lakes & spent a few days just to
relax & de-stress.  Yes,  Dee got a little stressed with no id, nothing!!  Just
feel so naked.  So thankful it wasn't any worse than it was.   We really enjoyed
the area with all the history, dams & beautiful lakes. 

We are now at Leon & Patsy for the BBQ.  What wonderful friends & the
party is Sunday aftn.   We will leave here on Tue morn as we have to be at the
bank on the 9th.   The Nashville part of the trip will wait for another time.
Wishing everyone a great Labor Day.

Love & Blessings!!     Mike & Dee:)

Friday, August 28, 2015


Greetings everyone!!!    How are ya'll?  Everyone doing well?  Love to
hear from you . . .

We had a wonderful visit with Mike's brothers Rick & Dal.  Watertown
is a really nice area.  Had a couple days of really bad wind there,  so glad
we were not on the road!!

From there, we drove down to Sioux Falls, SD to Mike's uncle,  Larry & Janet.
What a fun time!!  They took us to see the Falls Park & what a wonderful area
for the residents to enjoy.  Did not realize Sioux Falls was so large.   Our
campground was really nice and close to Larry's.   Lots of pics on the camera!

We also got to meet for lunch with Mike's family,  Lowell & Twyla
Zaske who are the parents of Suzanne Zaske that we met with in Arizona
last fall.   So good to catch up with all.     Lots of geneology!!

We had a long day on the road from Sioux Falls to east of Kansas City.
Then on to St. Louis, MO.  We are spending a few days here.  Today, we
went to Concordia Seminary to view the Campus.   We are both lifelong
Lutherans, so have always wanted to see the facility.   We had a tour by
Tom & it was so impressive.  Very serene and so much history!  We were
able to see bibles & books from the 1500's that have been in the church.
Needless to say, lots of pics.  

Tomorrow we have tickets for the St. Louis Arch.  I'm looking forward to
going up to the top.  There is construction on the grounds, but will be fun
anyway. . . So far the weather has been good.  Loved the cool, but has
warmed again.   Prayers that weather is holding for ya'll.  No storm for
Florida????   Keep fingers crossed!!!

Love & Blessings,   Mike & Dee:)

Friday, August 21, 2015


Greetings everyone!!!   Prayers that all is well & ya'll are staying cool!!
We going into a cool snap, even into the 40's at nite, yippee!!!

We had a wonderful time on Lake Minnewaska at Glenwood.  Purdie
enjoyed her "sailing".  People can't believe how she will sit &  pose!!
The pontoon ride on the lake was really fun w/ Mike's cousins & I did
not burn as the canopy kept me covered.  Decided that was the life!!!

We moved on to Renville, MN our hometown.  The pic of my home
place is right across the field from Mike's brother's place.  Great place
to set up rig.   Got to see lots of family, and friends came to see us!!
Just so enjoy seeing everyone & catching up!!  Learned how to play
"dirty" buck & had a really fun time.   Only problem is eating too
much.  Will definitely be on a diet when we get back!!!

Are now in Watertown, SD where two of Mike's brothers are.  We
did cookout at the campsite last nite.  We are right on Lake Kampeska
& the sunsets have been awesome.  

Today, while they were working,  we went to the Terry Redlin Art
Center . . . . Now this will truly amaze.  All his original paintings in
one place.  Beautiful grounds & I could take pics!!!  Impressed!!!
Mike & Sue, plus Jacki all have his artwork. 

Monday we head to Sioux Falls for a couple days,  then heading
south.   All is well,  having a good time, weather is holding...

Love & Blessings,    Mike & Dee:) 

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Greetings everyone!!!    Prayers that all is well with ya'll & staying cool!!!
August in MN can be a hot one, and it is!!  Going back into the 90's today!!
The lakes humidity is fierce!!

Spent a wonderful time in Brainerd with my family.  When showing brother 
Andy pics of Alaska, the tire in the tree was a challenge,  they took us to see
a snowmobile in a tree,  alcohol anyone???   Seeing the devastation from the
storm up here,  so hard to see & hard on economy.

Went to see my Mom before we left & we stopped at Munsinger Gardens in
St Cloud.  My sister & I had a marathon "Click & Clack Club" aftn.  The
gardens riveled the Biltmore & was just fun!!!  Great pics!!!

Spent time with long-time friends, Ron & Marlis Jenson & since we have
moved on to Glenwood, MN we have seen the Heuer's.  He was a deputy
for Mike years ago.  So good to see & visit with everyone.

The deer pic was on the way back to rig from Heuer's (he gave us back road
way to go & saw 6 deer,  corn fed!!   The sunsets have been so pretty too.
The good one off  Lake Minnewaska is on the camera.  Sorry!

Able to visit with Mike's Uncle Roger & wife Frances!   What a treat . . . Do
you think they are related??   Seeing cousins that Mike was close to also...

We head down to hometown of Renville on Mon for couple days, then on to
Mike's brothers in Watertown, SD.  So enjoying seeing everyone,  good
food  & rig doing great!!   Glad the AC was fixed over the winter!!!

Love to hear from everyone,   Blessings,      Mike & Dee:)

Friday, August 7, 2015


Greetings Everyone!!   The time is just flying here at Brainerd.  Every
day is full!!  We have so enjoyed hearing from everyone too!!

Spending time with my sister,  this is rare that we get to be together...
We always keep Ma Bell in business!!!   Spent a day going down to
see Mom.  She was so good & there were a lot of laughs on what she
remembers & what she doesn't. . .  She had been to Alaska many years
ago to see her sister, so she enjoyed the picture books.   We also spent
a day at Christmas Point (the place to shop in Brainerd) & had a great
dessert lunch!!!

Able to have lunch with brother Lyle lakeside on Gull Lake.  His
storm damage was awful, as well as sister Barb & also brother Andy.
We go to Andy & Deb for lunch tomorrow.  Really enjoy seeing all.
See Lyle's daughters, Kari & Shae too.

Today we had lunch with Judy Loeffler,  our friend from our
Franklin church who summers in MN & winters in NC.  We decided
to post a pic of the 2nd annual summer gathering of Good Shepherd
Church.  Great lunch, then a trip to the 371 Diner for malts,  real real
malts.  Mine was snickers & Judy had s'mores & Mike strawberry!!

I am definitely going to have to diet when we get home,  all the yum
yum foods.  Weather has been good too.  Warm days & cool nights.

Prayers that all are enjoying their summer.   Be safe & keep in touch!!
Blessings,   Mike & Dee:)

Friday, July 31, 2015


Greetings everyone!!  Prayers that all is well with everyone!!!  Love hearing
news from all. . . busy summer for everyone!!

I have to send a pic of our blueberry funnel cake sundae.  Needless to say the
festival was really fun.  Such quality venders & food was over the top!!  We
have had some of the best Minnesota eats so far.  Fish fry at Lee's last night
before we left,  crappies,  walleye (the best)  & northern boiled in seven-up!!
If you like lobster, you'd love this.  Dip in melted butter, yum yum!!   Both
nephews have ice fishing campers,  go right on the ice in the camper & open
the hole & you are fishing!!  We're talking good eats!!!   Family fun for all. .

We took Lee with us up to Voyageurs Nat'l Park so the walleye sign was a
fun photo op.  The lakes are so blue & the whole area is Nat'l forest, trees!!!!
Have gotten great photos & family pics.  

On Wed, Mike & I drove up the North Shore of Superior & what a fun time.
Gooseberry falls was the first stop & then Split Rock Lighthouse.   Mike had
never been up here, me only once for my brother's wedding many moons ago.

We drove all the way to the border to see High Falls at the State Park there,
hiking over a mile for that one.  Highest falls in MN.   Really pretty, would
love to see it in winter!!  From there we took in the Devil's Kettle falls.  Now
that is a story!!  Half the falls goes into a hole & they don't know where the
water goes!!! Used dyes, gps pods, and no luck????  We hiked 2 + miles to
see this one.  Was a great hike for me,  shaded, but 200+ steps!!!Spent a night
at Grand Marais right on the shore & was nice, but pricey!!!   So many wayside
stops & so pretty.   Mike really enjoyed searching for agates to tumble.

Purdie has enjoyed all the attention from nephews' girls & was a little leery of
the two german shepherds.  Did really well tho.

We drove to Brainerd today & will spend 12 days here with my family.  They
have decided to leave Mom where she is for now, but my sister & I will go
to see her.  I have two brothers here also, so am looking forward to spending
some time.  Our first married years were here.   Campground is on the lake,
& are in the shade.   It worked out perfect parked at Mike's sister last week.
Fit right in her drive.   From here it will be on to more of Mike's family!!!

Miss everyone & hope to hear from you. . . .  Blessings to all,
Mike & Dee:)

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Greetings everyone!!  Prayers that all is well with everyone. . . Has been
great to hear from all this last week.

We really enjoyed the Mackinaw area.  So much to see & do.  Down to
the beach area downtown to see the lighthouse there & also to the west.
You could do a trip of just lighthouses!!!   So much history here.  We
enjoyed the bonfire on the beach & watching the bridge light up, they
call her the Mighty Mac bridge.   5 miles long!!

Next it was up to Sault Ste Marie to the Soo Locks.  Got to watch two
freighters go thru . .  one was 1000' long, so impressive.  The power of
the ships & the speed was amazing.  Pretty town too.  I don't think I
would like winter up there, the wind would be awful!!!

We really enjoyed our day on Mackinaw Island.  The ferry ride over on
the hydro-jet was really cool when there was a rainbow in the spray behind.
There is only bikes and horses (600 of them, mostly percherons & belgins)
for transportation.  We took the carriage ride & got to see a lot!!  The
Grand Hotel is just over the top, the Arch rock, the fort was really neat,
this is where Purdie took off when they shot the guns!!.  Scared her to
death.  Luckily a fella caught her.   She was petted all day by kids, ha ha.

Then we moved over the Upper Peninsula to Wisconsin's Apostle Islands.
Took the Tour here also to the Devil's Island caves.  Lighthouses along
the way,  Lake Superior was calm, so was a nice ride.  Caves were very
impressive.  Called Apostle because you can see twelve of the islands
from shore, but there are 22.  Winters would be brutal here.

We are now at Mike's sister Lee in Eveleth, MN.  Had to have a Pastie
first thing last night.  Lots of Finnish people up north & seen the ads all
the way here.  Like a pot-pie & ever so yummy. . . .Going to the blueberry
festival in Ely, MN today with Lee & her daughter Denise & Jace . . .

We have met some wonderful people & have enjoyed the sights.  Both
feeling good & rig is doing great!!.   Gas is more expensive up here tho!!
Blessings to all,   take care & keep in touch!!!
Mike & Dee:)

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Greetings everyone!!!   Prayers on this Sunday aftn that all is well with you
and enjoying your summer . . .   We made it up to Mackinaw City this aftn
and are set up right on the lake below the Bridge.

The trip up to Michigan was just a whole lot of construction!!  We have de-
cided that the three best words in traveling are  "END OF ROADWORK"..
We stopped @ Findley, Ohio the first night & had a great site & the ice
cream bar on our walk was great, ha ha, after 14 hrs on the road.

Then it was on to Frankenmuth, Mich.  Now this town knows how to do
Christmas right!!!  I have seen ads for Bronner's all of my 35 yrs in floral
\design & was on the bucket list.  All Christmas décor for sale by the acres!!
Yes, I had to buy another ornament that I didn't need!!  They have a replica
of the Silent Night Chapel that is in Austria, so awesome.  We also found
the St. Lorenz Lutheran church that was really pretty, with the grounds too.
Then it was chicken dinner at Zehnder's.  Recommended by friends & was
great . . . enough for two meals.  Enjoy Mike w/ the chicken, ha ha.  The
whole town is done in Bavarian motif,  like Helen GA.

Then it was on to Traverse City, the cherry capitol of the US.   Went for a
drive up the Old Mission peninsula and was like we were in Napa Valley
again.  The lighthouse at the end was neat too. 

We took in the Sleeping Bear Dunes Seashore.  Now that was a sight to
behold.  450' down from the overlook to the water . . . and kids running
headfirst down in the sand . . over two hours to climb back up, ha ha...

We naturally had to stop for cherries & pasteries too.  so yum!!

Will post again after we've been to Mackinac Island & the Soo Locks.
Ya'll take care & keep in touch!!!      Blessings,
Mike & Dee:)

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Hello everyone!!!

Guess what?  We are back on the road!!   We are heading up
to Minnesota for a two month trip up to see family and friends.
We leave July 15th & back Sept 15 - all approximate.

My elbow has healed & I have more movement than they had
said I would get back, so am blessed.  Still have a "weather-
forcaster" tho.   lol.

Will attempt to post on this site again to keep everyone up to
date on our travels.   We love to hear from everyone as we
travel.    Blessings to all . . . . .   Mike & Dee:)