Saturday, July 25, 2015


Greetings everyone!!  Prayers that all is well with everyone. . . Has been
great to hear from all this last week.

We really enjoyed the Mackinaw area.  So much to see & do.  Down to
the beach area downtown to see the lighthouse there & also to the west.
You could do a trip of just lighthouses!!!   So much history here.  We
enjoyed the bonfire on the beach & watching the bridge light up, they
call her the Mighty Mac bridge.   5 miles long!!

Next it was up to Sault Ste Marie to the Soo Locks.  Got to watch two
freighters go thru . .  one was 1000' long, so impressive.  The power of
the ships & the speed was amazing.  Pretty town too.  I don't think I
would like winter up there, the wind would be awful!!!

We really enjoyed our day on Mackinaw Island.  The ferry ride over on
the hydro-jet was really cool when there was a rainbow in the spray behind.
There is only bikes and horses (600 of them, mostly percherons & belgins)
for transportation.  We took the carriage ride & got to see a lot!!  The
Grand Hotel is just over the top, the Arch rock, the fort was really neat,
this is where Purdie took off when they shot the guns!!.  Scared her to
death.  Luckily a fella caught her.   She was petted all day by kids, ha ha.

Then we moved over the Upper Peninsula to Wisconsin's Apostle Islands.
Took the Tour here also to the Devil's Island caves.  Lighthouses along
the way,  Lake Superior was calm, so was a nice ride.  Caves were very
impressive.  Called Apostle because you can see twelve of the islands
from shore, but there are 22.  Winters would be brutal here.

We are now at Mike's sister Lee in Eveleth, MN.  Had to have a Pastie
first thing last night.  Lots of Finnish people up north & seen the ads all
the way here.  Like a pot-pie & ever so yummy. . . .Going to the blueberry
festival in Ely, MN today with Lee & her daughter Denise & Jace . . .

We have met some wonderful people & have enjoyed the sights.  Both
feeling good & rig is doing great!!.   Gas is more expensive up here tho!!
Blessings to all,   take care & keep in touch!!!
Mike & Dee:)

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