Friday, August 28, 2015


Greetings everyone!!!    How are ya'll?  Everyone doing well?  Love to
hear from you . . .

We had a wonderful visit with Mike's brothers Rick & Dal.  Watertown
is a really nice area.  Had a couple days of really bad wind there,  so glad
we were not on the road!!

From there, we drove down to Sioux Falls, SD to Mike's uncle,  Larry & Janet.
What a fun time!!  They took us to see the Falls Park & what a wonderful area
for the residents to enjoy.  Did not realize Sioux Falls was so large.   Our
campground was really nice and close to Larry's.   Lots of pics on the camera!

We also got to meet for lunch with Mike's family,  Lowell & Twyla
Zaske who are the parents of Suzanne Zaske that we met with in Arizona
last fall.   So good to catch up with all.     Lots of geneology!!

We had a long day on the road from Sioux Falls to east of Kansas City.
Then on to St. Louis, MO.  We are spending a few days here.  Today, we
went to Concordia Seminary to view the Campus.   We are both lifelong
Lutherans, so have always wanted to see the facility.   We had a tour by
Tom & it was so impressive.  Very serene and so much history!  We were
able to see bibles & books from the 1500's that have been in the church.
Needless to say, lots of pics.  

Tomorrow we have tickets for the St. Louis Arch.  I'm looking forward to
going up to the top.  There is construction on the grounds, but will be fun
anyway. . . So far the weather has been good.  Loved the cool, but has
warmed again.   Prayers that weather is holding for ya'll.  No storm for
Florida????   Keep fingers crossed!!!

Love & Blessings,   Mike & Dee:)

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