Monday, May 31, 2021

Chapel was really pretty!!

Mike & Purdie with Annie Oakley, lol

This place was Huge...

The famous Wall signs, lose count...

Buffalo everywhere...

Badlands scenery

Gorgeous colors

Stark beauty!!

Us at the Badlands

Mike getting up close...

Mtn goats were tame

Entering the Badlands


Hey everyone...   Prayers you had a good weekend & nice weather too...

We a slow go morning & a pretty drive to Badlands NP...  First thing was more buffalo & then the mtn goats... Was neat.
A very barren, stark landscape with a beauty all its own...  With the holiday, the park was packed as they all have been...
Chat with people & all are happy to be out & enjoying nature... Very few masks...

We went on to Wall Drug & enjoyed great buffalo burgers & world famous donuts that are a meal in itself...  The store is huge & Purdie enjoyed the ride in her carrier, lol....

Heading to family tomorrow.... Y'all be healthy ...   Love & hugs,
Mike & Dee

Sunday, May 30, 2021


Buffalo & Prairie dogs...

Entering Wind Cave NP

Third tunnel.... Iron Creek

Third run thru

Second run thru

Our first run thru

Needles Eye Tunnel

First tunnel....Hood

Patriotic displays everywhere!!!

Stopped for rhubarb wine!!

Purdie at Circle of Sacred Smoke site

The Devils Tower

The Devils Tower

Entering the Tower


Hey everyone...   Are you having a good weekend?  Hope so...

We started early again & swung back into Wyoming to see Devils Tower...  What a sight!!   It is Huge!!  Can see it for miles..
Was a great stop & lots of pics...  Really liked the circle of sacred smoke site...

We then headed to the Black Hills & a pretty drive thru the forest...  Got onto the Needles Hwy thru Custer State park... Now there's a road!!!   Was packed with the holiday,  but we went thru the eye of the needles tunnel 3 times as Mike was using the dash cam...  See what he got....  Was a blast & was two other tunnels also...

Then did Wind Cave NP...  The cave tours were booked solid, but enjoyed the open prairie with buffalo everywhere & also the prairie dogs, still think they are cuties...

Enjoyed a wonderful dinner at an outdoor patio restaurant next to our hotel, so will sleep good tonite....

Prayers you are all doing good....
Love & hugs,   Mike & Dee

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Dee at Overlook

Mike & Purdie at Overlook

Marker in Belle Fourche

The Center Marker...

Road to the Center of US

Neat clouds... only sprinkled on us

Beautiful scenery!

Mike getting 360* pics on Buck Hill

These guys surrounded the bathrooms!!!

Buffalo everywhere...

Wild horses on the road

Prairie Dogs beg so cute...

Prairie Dog

Docile buffalo...

Roosevelt Cabin

Park Entrance


Hey everyone....  Y'all doing ok?  Plans for the weekend...  Remember our fallen...

We get an early start this am & at the NP by 8.30...better to see the animals!!!  We had a blast with the prairie dog towns....
You are not supposed to feed them, but they beg & are the cutest things ever...I can hear Jordan already asking why we didn't bring her one, lol....  Oh, the pics...

The buffalo were everywhere, shedding the winter coat...  Are huge!!!  Mike missed the shot of one doing "the roll"...  Neat to see.

Wild horses in middle of the road too!  A large herd of them,  so pretty...

The Park itself was so gorgeous,  colors like the Painted Desert...  Weird formations

Our hotel is in Belle Fourche, SD & this is designated the center of the US...  Drove out to the actual marker & it is in the middle of nowhere!!!  Big deal for here..

Prayers all are doing well,  we good
Love & hugs,   Mike & Dee