Friday, August 24, 2018


Hey everyone....well we made it to Maine & are just east of Bangor.  The turnpike up was the beat roads we have had...  will rest up a couple days & restock supplies..

Now Boston was more "city" than I care for...  we drove down to the waterfront & Mike enjoyed touring the USS Constitution
Was a beautiful ship & so much history...
Then on to the Old North Church,  but we never found Paul Revere's ....  too much traffic, one way streets & awful drivers...
Not to mention construction!!!

Then headed to the JFK Library on crown pt....the bldg was over the top & right on the water....chatted with a security guard there & got some inside scoop...

We even wandered into Rhode Island  for a bit....that will put us in every state in all our travels in the last 50+ years,  lol...  except Hawaii & that is not a good place right now...  feel so bad for those people...

Purdie is doing good...gets attention every where we take her...even the soldiers at the navy yard...

Say an extra prayer for my eyes...  I talked with my Dr Bryan this morning & if it gets worse I'm going to have to see a Dr here.

So we are just travelling along...stopping so Mike gets a break...  enjoying the scenery....Moose warnings all thru Maine but no luck...   had great clam chowder in Boston,  lobster rolls on the list...

Prayers that everyone is doing good...
Blessings,   Mike and Dee

1 comment:

  1. Our prayers that you eyes improve. Are you using eye drops? My ophthalmologist suggested them. Dry eyes cause all kinds of problems. Also, prayers for safe travel. Miss you guys! Neal and Gerry
