Friday, August 17, 2018

Loading up & ready to go

We have had some real snags in getting ready for this trip...    from levelor issues to Dee's eyes...   but the good Lord willing we will be on the road by early Monday.

Will do pics as we go...   plan to do  Boston,  then into the Canadian maritimes
Then a week at Acadia NP....  following thru NH, VT & then upstate New York...
Will do Niagara Falls & then on to OH &
Cuyahoga NP....  want to spend some time in PA on the way back...

So follow along & we'll see what adventures we get into...   appreciate  prayers for safe travel...

Hugs & blessings to all
Mike & Dee


  1. Prayers for fun and safe travels! Love you!

  2. Thinking of you - hope you're having a wonderful trip!
    (new) Beth from GSL
