Thursday, August 30, 2018


Hey everyone....  just an update  to let  y'all know we have done a lot the last few days in Canada & I will post pics & info when we get back stateside...  wi fi is a
Tricky thing where we are...
I don't know who needs a rest day more, us or Purdie!!
Prayers everyone is well
Hugs & blessings....Mike and Dee

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Purdie & the lobster!

Susan, Mike, Dee & Mike - bar harbor

Paul Bunyan was big!!

Amaze balls were amazing!

Bangor folk festival

Lobster roll meal

Mike at the cannons

Dee at Ft Knox

View from the top!!!

Penobscot bridge


Hey everyone....   we have had a great time in Bangor!   After restocking,  we got to go play...

First up was the Penobscot Narrows Bridge Ovservation tower...  higher than the empire st bldg.  Elevator to the top of the span & a 360* view of the coastline.
Was cool...

Then on to Ft Knox & so much Acadian history there.  Well preserved...

Then we had our first lobster roll...  they sure know how to charge for those, but so yum...   Mike  is sure liking all the Dunkin Donuts on every street corner here too!!!

Then to the folk festival downtown... what a crowd.   Had live acadian music & FOOD!
Never had  Amaze Balls before & they were awesome!!!   Got warm out tho...
They also have Paul Bunyan there..   MN is still home to him & the blue ox!!!

The campground had a potluck & I swear it was a Lutheran gathering...  so much food & our first taste of the whoopie pie, the state dessert of Maine.  Yummy...
They topped it off with Bingo ..   didn't win but met some wonderful people.

Then today we drove over to Acadia & met up with our friends for lunch in Bar Harbor
A perfect day on the waterfront...

Tomorrow we head to Canada... will be in
New Brunswick...everyone we talk to says we will love it...

My eyes are holding steady...ache a lot...
Purdie is being her usual "ham" for the camera...Mike is doing great with all the driving...pull over when he needs to...

Prayers everyone is well...
Blessings,  Mike and Dee

Friday, August 24, 2018

Here we are in Maine

Kennedy Library

Kennedy Library

Kennedy Library

USS Constitution

Purdie posing at c.g.


Hey everyone....well we made it to Maine & are just east of Bangor.  The turnpike up was the beat roads we have had...  will rest up a couple days & restock supplies..

Now Boston was more "city" than I care for...  we drove down to the waterfront & Mike enjoyed touring the USS Constitution
Was a beautiful ship & so much history...
Then on to the Old North Church,  but we never found Paul Revere's ....  too much traffic, one way streets & awful drivers...
Not to mention construction!!!

Then headed to the JFK Library on crown pt....the bldg was over the top & right on the water....chatted with a security guard there & got some inside scoop...

We even wandered into Rhode Island  for a bit....that will put us in every state in all our travels in the last 50+ years,  lol...  except Hawaii & that is not a good place right now...  feel so bad for those people...

Purdie is doing good...gets attention every where we take her...even the soldiers at the navy yard...

Say an extra prayer for my eyes...  I talked with my Dr Bryan this morning & if it gets worse I'm going to have to see a Dr here.

So we are just travelling along...stopping so Mike gets a break...  enjoying the scenery....Moose warnings all thru Maine but no luck...   had great clam chowder in Boston,  lobster rolls on the list...

Prayers that everyone is doing good...
Blessings,   Mike and Dee

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Idaho Potato Truck

Hey everyone....   well Mike got his wish & we pulled out of Franklin on Sun aftn at 3..
We made it into Va that first night...

Our highlight for Mon was meeting the gang in the Idaho potato truck...   they passed us,  but were at the next rest area so we got to meet them & take pics...  they travel the country doing charity benefits....was a hoot & lots of laughs!

Drove to the PA welcome center mon nite.
A good stop & able to sleep...

Tues was a long day thru PA, NY & CT...
The roads in the north were as bad as I feared....felt like a paint can mixer in some places...

We arrived in Boston at the Minuteman C.G.  by to open up & relax....
Rain this morning...great timing...
Tomorrow is a day exploring Boston...

Prayers everyone is well...
Blessings,  Mike & Dee

Friday, August 17, 2018

Loading up & ready to go

We have had some real snags in getting ready for this trip...    from levelor issues to Dee's eyes...   but the good Lord willing we will be on the road by early Monday.

Will do pics as we go...   plan to do  Boston,  then into the Canadian maritimes
Then a week at Acadia NP....  following thru NH, VT & then upstate New York...
Will do Niagara Falls & then on to OH &
Cuyahoga NP....  want to spend some time in PA on the way back...

So follow along & we'll see what adventures we get into...   appreciate  prayers for safe travel...

Hugs & blessings to all
Mike & Dee

Sunday, August 5, 2018

2018 trip....

Getting ready to head to the Canadian
Maritimes & meet up with the Taylor's  from Tucson....   Hope to follow the fall color back...  will post our itinerary  on
The next post...