Sunday, June 13, 2021


Hey there...  How are you all doing?   Has it been warm by you???

This has been a long, hot, hard week...  We started organizing for the sale of my sister's things...  So much "stuff" & it was excessively HOT...  But with many hands, it all got done...   The sale was a huge success & the kids appreciated the help, it was overwhelming to say the least...

We took one day & went up to see Mike's sister Lee who lives north of Duluth...  Had a wonderful visit & our nephew came too & we get to meet his new wife.... Lots of fun!

Also took my sister out to lunch one day & she so enjoyed that...  Then to shop at our favorite store, Christmas Point...Fun!!

I have to say, it was really tough to say goodbye to her,  but we will be going back next summer....  And she likes her apt & we had a lot of fun decorating it....

We are hoping to be at our friends in KY by tomorrow nite...   Praying the heat eases a bit...

Purdie is hanging in here...  She was at my brother's house during all the heat, she likes her "raised" seat for the ride home...
We are so packed,  her bed is sitting on top of a suitcase...   So funny...

Prayers y'all are doing good & keeping cool...  Hopefully see you soon...
Take care,   love & hugs,
Mike & Dee

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