Thursday, June 17, 2021

Yard work begins...

Carolina mtns & blue sky!!!

Means we are almost home...


Hey there. ..   Letting everyone know we are safely home....   The work will start now on the yard...   Wish I could be out there doing it ... 

The Dr appt did not go well today...  Did the x-ray & it has a bit to go...  Boot on for 2 more weeks,  then orthepedic Dr to ok..

Have done laundry all day, brkfst with Jacki before Dr & Jor stop on her way to work....  All after turning in rental ...

9,000 miles,  10,000 pics, lots of family, wonderful scenic adventures all add up to a great trip...    Thanks for following along.

Blessings to all,     Mike & Dee

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Turkey in the park...

Park entrance...

Illinois windmills...

Purdie ready to go home


The blond buffalo!!!


Hey there...  Everyone doing ok?  Warm enough for y'all?  We are glad to have cooler weather, for sure...

We arrived at Leon & Patsy in KY & got to see their lovely new home!  Got to relax & catch up....  They took us to see their nieces blond buffalo!!!  They raise buffalo & was neat to see a blond one... So cool..

We left this aftn & swung by the Mammoth Cave NP...  Really a pretty area & the visitor center was impressive...  Tours were all booked...  Unable to go down because of Purdie....

Decided to stop for the nite as Mikes eyes were bothering a bit....  We should make it home tomorrow, the Lord willing...

Prayers all is well... & all are healthy...
See you soon,  hugs
Mike & Dee

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sister Lee's beautiful Misty

After the work was done...

MN rural barn...

Minnesota lake

Mike with sister Lee...rhubarb pie!!!

Brother Lyle with Barb & myself

Nephew Steve, brother Andy, niece Stacy

Barb & I after shopping...


Hey there...  How are you all doing?   Has it been warm by you???

This has been a long, hot, hard week...  We started organizing for the sale of my sister's things...  So much "stuff" & it was excessively HOT...  But with many hands, it all got done...   The sale was a huge success & the kids appreciated the help, it was overwhelming to say the least...

We took one day & went up to see Mike's sister Lee who lives north of Duluth...  Had a wonderful visit & our nephew came too & we get to meet his new wife.... Lots of fun!

Also took my sister out to lunch one day & she so enjoyed that...  Then to shop at our favorite store, Christmas Point...Fun!!

I have to say, it was really tough to say goodbye to her,  but we will be going back next summer....  And she likes her apt & we had a lot of fun decorating it....

We are hoping to be at our friends in KY by tomorrow nite...   Praying the heat eases a bit...

Purdie is hanging in here...  She was at my brother's house during all the heat, she likes her "raised" seat for the ride home...
We are so packed,  her bed is sitting on top of a suitcase...   So funny...

Prayers y'all are doing good & keeping cool...  Hopefully see you soon...
Take care,   love & hugs,
Mike & Dee

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Sister Barb...


Hey there...  Everyone doing ok??  Is it hot where you are??   We have been in the upper 90s for days & working outside to prep for my sister's sale has been a really big job....   Everyone is exhausted & we have days to go...  Will be cooler by the weekend hopefully....

Family is teasing Mike he is going to need a uhaul to get home, lol...   More genealogy stuff than I thought...

We are going to see Mike's sister Lee on Tue...   North of Duluth...

Just one pic this time...  Sister Barb is doing well & so happy we came...

Prayers all is well & y'all stay cool....
Love & hugs,   Mike & Dee

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Cousin Steve & wife Connie

Us with Kathy


Mike w/ Larry & Janet

The back... lights up at nite

DIGNITY Sculpture

Really enjoyed SD


Hey everyone....  You all doing ok??
We have spent two days with family & so enjoyed catching up....   On way thru SD, stopped to see display to honor the native American woman...   Just awesome...

Lunch with Mike's uncle & aunt, Larry & Janet.. Visit out on the patio & Purdie so enjoyed their yard w/ no leash & grass!!!

Then to Mikes brothers Rick & Dal ...  Great supper & catching up... This morning out for brkfst & telling stories I had never heard before...  Lots of laughs!!

Got to Renville, our hometown, & visited with our sister in law, Kathy...  So good to catch up...  Her family good...

Stopped to see my cousin Steve & Connie,
A fun visit...   Small towns...

Tonite we rest & up to Brainerd to be with my sister in the morning...  Will be a full week, so will update when we can.

Love & hugs....Mike & Dee

Monday, May 31, 2021

Chapel was really pretty!!

Mike & Purdie with Annie Oakley, lol

This place was Huge...

The famous Wall signs, lose count...

Buffalo everywhere...

Badlands scenery

Gorgeous colors

Stark beauty!!

Us at the Badlands

Mike getting up close...

Mtn goats were tame

Entering the Badlands


Hey everyone...   Prayers you had a good weekend & nice weather too...

We a slow go morning & a pretty drive to Badlands NP...  First thing was more buffalo & then the mtn goats... Was neat.
A very barren, stark landscape with a beauty all its own...  With the holiday, the park was packed as they all have been...
Chat with people & all are happy to be out & enjoying nature... Very few masks...

We went on to Wall Drug & enjoyed great buffalo burgers & world famous donuts that are a meal in itself...  The store is huge & Purdie enjoyed the ride in her carrier, lol....

Heading to family tomorrow.... Y'all be healthy ...   Love & hugs,
Mike & Dee

Sunday, May 30, 2021


Buffalo & Prairie dogs...

Entering Wind Cave NP

Third tunnel.... Iron Creek

Third run thru

Second run thru

Our first run thru

Needles Eye Tunnel

First tunnel....Hood

Patriotic displays everywhere!!!

Stopped for rhubarb wine!!