Friday, September 11, 2015

NC sunset - we're home!


Greetings everyone!!  Prayers that all is good with ya'll & staying cool....
We arrived back in NC to cooler temps & a touch of fall showing!!

We had a wonderful visit with Leon & Patsy.  The BBQ was a whole lot
of fun.  The kids all had a blast on the 35' x 18' hi waterslide!  What a
hoot!  Was so warm, even the adults were ready to take a dip, ha ha.

The food was exceptional . . .  4 lamb shanks,  4 huge boston butts &
16 whole chickens,  plus sausages & chicken livers.  Home-made dip
& cooked for hours!   The taste test part was the best!!!   The piece de
resistance was the home-made ice cream!!  Vanilla, peach, pineapple
& banana.  The potluck  extras were like being at a Lutheran gathering!!

We had absolutely no problems with the rig on the whole trip, which
were so thankful for . . Gas prices coming back were the best.  Down
to $1.86 in Tennessee.  Definitely under budget, ha ha.

Since we have been back & unloaded,  have been on the phone & try
ing to straighten out "the mess".  Got a new D/L & bank account set
up.  So many fraud alerts to take care of & pray we can avoid anything
worse.  Warn everyone to have backup copies of all your info!!!

Mike has been busy outside with yard work & you don't want to know
how many loads of laundry I had to clean out the rig.  

Thanks for all the prayers for our safe travel, they really matter!!  Was
so great to see so many of the family and dear friends, and not have to
rush rush.   Saw many great sights up & back, so was a great trip!!!
I only took 5000 pics, approx.  Will get to them when caught up . . .

Love & Blessings!!!      Mike & Dee:)

Friday, September 4, 2015


Greetings everyone!!!   Sure hope ya'll are staying cool, cause we are hot,
hot, hot!!!  

I'm going to start with our day at the St. Louis Arch.  We got tickets for
early in the morn & the ride up was "over the top".  The views were awesome
and we enjoyed the Old Capitol & Cathedral.  Lots of pics & a great time!!

The bad stuff happened while we were up there . . . Someone broke into our
truck & stole my purse & Mike's wallet & his camera case.   I lost my D/L &
all the paraphernalia you accumulate in a purse,  the blessing was we had our
credit cards & cash & cameras on us!!   The police met us & we were told
that they look for out of state tags & they didn't break the lock, so no alarm
went off.   They were pros.    Needless to say, it has been a nightmare trying
to get our insurance cards, soc sec cards, etc squared away.

The other bad news is we have to come home early as I can't open a new
checking account without being at the bank (I had two check blanks in my
wallet).  I'm so thankful that I have a friend at the bank who walked us thru
& got everything froze.   They got $75.00 on a card I had as a back-up!! 

From there we went to Land Between the Lakes & spent a few days just to
relax & de-stress.  Yes,  Dee got a little stressed with no id, nothing!!  Just
feel so naked.  So thankful it wasn't any worse than it was.   We really enjoyed
the area with all the history, dams & beautiful lakes. 

We are now at Leon & Patsy for the BBQ.  What wonderful friends & the
party is Sunday aftn.   We will leave here on Tue morn as we have to be at the
bank on the 9th.   The Nashville part of the trip will wait for another time.
Wishing everyone a great Labor Day.

Love & Blessings!!     Mike & Dee:)