Friday, August 28, 2015


Greetings everyone!!!    How are ya'll?  Everyone doing well?  Love to
hear from you . . .

We had a wonderful visit with Mike's brothers Rick & Dal.  Watertown
is a really nice area.  Had a couple days of really bad wind there,  so glad
we were not on the road!!

From there, we drove down to Sioux Falls, SD to Mike's uncle,  Larry & Janet.
What a fun time!!  They took us to see the Falls Park & what a wonderful area
for the residents to enjoy.  Did not realize Sioux Falls was so large.   Our
campground was really nice and close to Larry's.   Lots of pics on the camera!

We also got to meet for lunch with Mike's family,  Lowell & Twyla
Zaske who are the parents of Suzanne Zaske that we met with in Arizona
last fall.   So good to catch up with all.     Lots of geneology!!

We had a long day on the road from Sioux Falls to east of Kansas City.
Then on to St. Louis, MO.  We are spending a few days here.  Today, we
went to Concordia Seminary to view the Campus.   We are both lifelong
Lutherans, so have always wanted to see the facility.   We had a tour by
Tom & it was so impressive.  Very serene and so much history!  We were
able to see bibles & books from the 1500's that have been in the church.
Needless to say, lots of pics.  

Tomorrow we have tickets for the St. Louis Arch.  I'm looking forward to
going up to the top.  There is construction on the grounds, but will be fun
anyway. . . So far the weather has been good.  Loved the cool, but has
warmed again.   Prayers that weather is holding for ya'll.  No storm for
Florida????   Keep fingers crossed!!!

Love & Blessings,   Mike & Dee:)

Friday, August 21, 2015


Greetings everyone!!!   Prayers that all is well & ya'll are staying cool!!
We going into a cool snap, even into the 40's at nite, yippee!!!

We had a wonderful time on Lake Minnewaska at Glenwood.  Purdie
enjoyed her "sailing".  People can't believe how she will sit &  pose!!
The pontoon ride on the lake was really fun w/ Mike's cousins & I did
not burn as the canopy kept me covered.  Decided that was the life!!!

We moved on to Renville, MN our hometown.  The pic of my home
place is right across the field from Mike's brother's place.  Great place
to set up rig.   Got to see lots of family, and friends came to see us!!
Just so enjoy seeing everyone & catching up!!  Learned how to play
"dirty" buck & had a really fun time.   Only problem is eating too
much.  Will definitely be on a diet when we get back!!!

Are now in Watertown, SD where two of Mike's brothers are.  We
did cookout at the campsite last nite.  We are right on Lake Kampeska
& the sunsets have been awesome.  

Today, while they were working,  we went to the Terry Redlin Art
Center . . . . Now this will truly amaze.  All his original paintings in
one place.  Beautiful grounds & I could take pics!!!  Impressed!!!
Mike & Sue, plus Jacki all have his artwork. 

Monday we head to Sioux Falls for a couple days,  then heading
south.   All is well,  having a good time, weather is holding...

Love & Blessings,    Mike & Dee:) 

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Greetings everyone!!!    Prayers that all is well with ya'll & staying cool!!!
August in MN can be a hot one, and it is!!  Going back into the 90's today!!
The lakes humidity is fierce!!

Spent a wonderful time in Brainerd with my family.  When showing brother 
Andy pics of Alaska, the tire in the tree was a challenge,  they took us to see
a snowmobile in a tree,  alcohol anyone???   Seeing the devastation from the
storm up here,  so hard to see & hard on economy.

Went to see my Mom before we left & we stopped at Munsinger Gardens in
St Cloud.  My sister & I had a marathon "Click & Clack Club" aftn.  The
gardens riveled the Biltmore & was just fun!!!  Great pics!!!

Spent time with long-time friends, Ron & Marlis Jenson & since we have
moved on to Glenwood, MN we have seen the Heuer's.  He was a deputy
for Mike years ago.  So good to see & visit with everyone.

The deer pic was on the way back to rig from Heuer's (he gave us back road
way to go & saw 6 deer,  corn fed!!   The sunsets have been so pretty too.
The good one off  Lake Minnewaska is on the camera.  Sorry!

Able to visit with Mike's Uncle Roger & wife Frances!   What a treat . . . Do
you think they are related??   Seeing cousins that Mike was close to also...

We head down to hometown of Renville on Mon for couple days, then on to
Mike's brothers in Watertown, SD.  So enjoying seeing everyone,  good
food  & rig doing great!!   Glad the AC was fixed over the winter!!!

Love to hear from everyone,   Blessings,      Mike & Dee:)

Friday, August 7, 2015


Greetings Everyone!!   The time is just flying here at Brainerd.  Every
day is full!!  We have so enjoyed hearing from everyone too!!

Spending time with my sister,  this is rare that we get to be together...
We always keep Ma Bell in business!!!   Spent a day going down to
see Mom.  She was so good & there were a lot of laughs on what she
remembers & what she doesn't. . .  She had been to Alaska many years
ago to see her sister, so she enjoyed the picture books.   We also spent
a day at Christmas Point (the place to shop in Brainerd) & had a great
dessert lunch!!!

Able to have lunch with brother Lyle lakeside on Gull Lake.  His
storm damage was awful, as well as sister Barb & also brother Andy.
We go to Andy & Deb for lunch tomorrow.  Really enjoy seeing all.
See Lyle's daughters, Kari & Shae too.

Today we had lunch with Judy Loeffler,  our friend from our
Franklin church who summers in MN & winters in NC.  We decided
to post a pic of the 2nd annual summer gathering of Good Shepherd
Church.  Great lunch, then a trip to the 371 Diner for malts,  real real
malts.  Mine was snickers & Judy had s'mores & Mike strawberry!!

I am definitely going to have to diet when we get home,  all the yum
yum foods.  Weather has been good too.  Warm days & cool nights.

Prayers that all are enjoying their summer.   Be safe & keep in touch!!
Blessings,   Mike & Dee:)